Monday, February 25, 2013

Who Sucks Now???

Today has been ... Well, it's been... How do I put it???  Today has been a different kind of day.  Not bad by any means, just different.  I was tickled to get back into our regular routine; we all needed it.  Now that I've figured out how to input information into the calendar part of my phone & iPad, I can take a peek at what I've got scheduled; as long as I remember to look at the calendar.

Today I looked at the calendar before leaving the house, & was prepared for a brand new day.  I knew that after taking the Boy & the Girl to school, I had to get Little Boy to a nearby elementary school to be tested for entry into the PreK program for next year, then whisk him off to swim lessons at 11:30.  But first we needed to make a quick stop for a cup of Joe at a local coffeehouse.  I had a gift card from friends in the amount of $30, so I thought this would be a great time to treat Little Boy to a smoothie.  While they were preparing our concoctions, I was fumbling through my purse to get the gift card, when I remembered putting it on my desk when I switched purses recently.  Fiddlesticks!!  Oh well, we paid in cash & were on our way. 

Next up was PreK testing.  Little Boy went to a room with a teacher to do whatever testing it is that they do & I was able to watch a Daddy who hasn't spent much time away from his darling little girl.  When her teacher came to take her to the back for her testing, her Daddy followed.  When the teacher told him that he had to wait in the lobby with the rest of the parents, he told her that that wasn't happening.  She explained to him that in order to get the unbiased results, the parents were not allowed in the testing room.  The said a few things I couldn't hear until rather loudly the Dad said, "...wherever my child goes, I go!!"  the teacher asked him if he planned on going to PreK with his daughter should she get accepted.  The Dad replied, "Yes ma'am."  Little Boy was finished with his testing, so we hightailed it out of there.  I feel for that teacher, though.

Next up was swim lessons for Little Boy, but not before a stop at the school, as I had forgotten to give the Boy his allergy meds this morning.  Yes, I got an earful on how I really need to fix my memory so that this didn't happen again.  Thanks son.

Little Boy had swim lessons. The last time he was signed up, I think I remembered to take him to 50% of his classes.  Yes, I can be an airhead.  Don't judge.  He jumped in on his own, which for him, is HUGE.  Yes, he got a sticker after lunch.  I'm not above a reward when it is earned.

While Little Boy was napping, I decided to clean out my purse.  I had a meeting later in the evening at the Teacher Administration Center (to learn about parent's rights regarding a child's IEP).  While rummaging around in my too full, too big purse, I found a notepad in the shape of a mitten.  I often keep things like this in my purse to occupy my children when we are away from home.  The Girl loves having a pen & paper to journal her thoughts.  Imagine my surprise when I opened up the the notepad to see "My Mom Suck's" written on a piece of paper.  Of course, I had to take a picture of it & put it as my profile picture on FaceBook; isn't that what every other Mom in America would do?  Don't worry, I'll have my moment with her to discuss this matter; when I'm done laughing.  A friend suggested that I share it with Ellen on her FaceBook page, so I did.  Yep, that's how this Mom rolls.

The Husband got the Boy to swim lessons, I got the Girl & Little Boy off to a friends house, & was on my way to see if I could learn anything new about being an advocate for the Boy's education through his IEP Plan.  They served dinner & had mini workshops for parents to attend.  I ran into my Mom's friend, Sherri.  Sherri works for the school system, as did my Mom before she retired a few years back.  While we were chatting, they started calling out the numbers for the winners of the 5 refurbished computers.  People were all calm when their winning ticket number was called.  Well not me.  I shouted, "OH MY GOSH, THAT'S MY NUMBER!!  I WON!!"  Yes I did; loud & proud. that's me.  Let's get a woot, woot!  So, I sent a text to my husband to tell him that I was bringing home a computer for the kids (this is a blessing for the boy, as it's been suggested that he use keyboarding for some of his schoolwork--another Aspergers thing that we have learned). My husband texted me back, "what kind of computer is it?"  My response??  "It's black & has red letters, and it works."  I won't tell you what his response was.

So, to my darling daughter, who sucks now??

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